Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Journey

When you are on a journey you have to make many decisions including what to take, where to take, who to take, when to take, how to take ...until you reach your destination.  The last few months I have constantly been asking God these questions about my family's journey.  I don't know where I am always going but I want to please God and I think that the desire to please God...pleases God.  I don't have all the answers but if I had all the answers where would faith be?  My mom read me these verses yesterday over the phone and they gave me peace in a crazy season of life.  I hope they do the same for you.

Colossians 1: 9-10
 9 For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives,[a] 10 so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God,

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Lauren quote

The other night right before bed I asked Lauren to pick out a book that she would like for me to read to her.  She reached for her Bible and said. "Let's read the Bible and check out what God is up too."

So sorry for not updating my blog for the last few weeks.  I am always disappointed when I go to a blog and I see the same old postings.  Well the last few weeks have been filled with lack of sleep, medicine doses, running noses, doctor visits, allergic medicine rashes, more doctor visits, Asher crying, mommy holding, Andy coughing, mommy stressing, and did I mention lack of sleep?  It however, was in the sickness that I realized how healthy we are.  I am grateful for our health...I am thankful for my family.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween: Past and Present

2007- Lauren as a ladybug...

2007 Lauren as a ladybug didn't work so she went as Lauren the 'hip hop"girl




Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I had the best of intentions to write for the last few days, but everytime I had a moment to sit at the computer, I ended up looking for discount halloween costumes and early Christmas deals.  I will briefly fill you in on things that have happened this last week.  Some exciting news is that Asher is walking or I guess taking 2 steps and then sitting down would be more like it.  I don't know why but this milestone is my favorite and is always exciting...until they learn how to run and then it is a feeling of fear and frustration.  Asher's other achievements for the week:  He is singing the B-I-B-L-E  song but his version is "B-I-B-I-B" and he is feeding himself oatmeal.

Last week we all went to the Louisville Zoo.  The kids favorite part of the zoo had nothing to do with animals it was the playground.

You can't turn your back for one minute...(Asher in our hotel room)

This is Lauren's style...only she could pull it off.

Fall Pictures

Last week I took Lauren and Asher to Katie Lou's Photography.  Katie is a great photographer and a great friend.  She has been taking pictures of Lauren since she was  1.  Lauren doesn't like getting her picture taken, but Katie can always get great pictures anyways.  To check out a few pictures from the session visit Katie's blog:  http://katielousphoto.blogspot.com/2010/10/beautiful-fall-color-ky-on-location.html

Monday, October 25, 2010

I read a quote from a pastor the other day that said, "I'm not raising my kids to survive the world.  I'm raising them to change it"  Wow!  As parents, Andy and I are always trying to protect our kids..sometimes we might seem over-protective and that is because we are...but we are not as bad as we were.  When Lauren was just starting to walk Andy mentioned that we should buy her a helmet.  He was kidding...I think.  But this quote got me thinking and then praying.  I want my kids to have faith that will move mountains! I have been praying this prayer with them every night.  They don't get it yet...  Can you imagine how your life would be if you lived by faith in all things?  I'm asking because I lack faith most of the time.  I am a pros and cons list..  I am a "that doesn't make sense financially"   I am a "comfortable where I am"  I am a "what would people think".  I am a "what if I fail" .  I don't want them to worry about not knowing all...but instead trusting in the All Knowing.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Out with the old in with the new

I had been looking for a small chair to add to the living room...I wanted a small..older style chair that would match well with the rest of the room.  I found the perfect style of chair at Andy's parent's house. I believe that Connie had bought the chair at an auction.  When they found out that I liked it..they generously gave it to me ( that is just the kind of people they are and yes, I have the best mom and dad-in law).  When I got it home I noticed that the color of the chair blended in with the rest of our furniture so I decided to have it reupholstered so it would stand out.   The fabric I went with was not my first choice, but there is not too much to choose from at a fabric store in rural KY.  I am very pleased with how the chair turned out...and also pleased with the price: $20 for fabric and $35 to have it reupholstered.  We had some fabric left over which I plan on using as background in a picture frame.   I know, I know..I watch too much HGTV.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

beautiful boy..drool and all

Asher must be sorting clothes.

Mammy and Pappy are having a yard sale this weekend...so Andy brought home some of his childhood treasures...like this fire truck.

This is why we are going to have to buy chains for the doors soon.

Just love me

 "God what do you want me to do with my life?"   This is a question that I ask God often...especially when things aren't working out the way I think or hope they should.  I'm sure you have asked God that question as well.  This morning I was having one of those days where I was questioning almost everything...and really struggling with how to pray and what to pray for.  Asher was cleaning out the DVD cabinet and while I was picking up the DVDs I found a CD.  I took it to Lauren's room because I thought she would enjoy hearing it. I put the CD in..pushed play and then went to my bedroom to get something.  When I came back in the song "How Great is Our God" was playing.  I watched Lauren as she sang and danced..and I felt God say, "this is what I want..just love me."   That was my answer.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Friday Nights

As some of you might know, Andy is an assistant football coach for the Lincoln County Patriots.  Every Friday night from mid August til the end of October..Andy is on the field or in the pressbox helping coach.  Since Friday nights are so special for Andy...I thought it would be a good idea to make Friday nights special for Lauren as well.  Since the kids are not old enough and I am not brave enough to take them to the football games, I had to come up with other ways to make them special.  Every Friday night in September, Lauren played Little Feet Soccer in Campbellsville.  Yes Campbellsville is out of the way for soccer, but we were able to spend every Friday at my parents' house.   She really enjoyed going to soccer and I was such a proud mommy watching her.  Soccer ended last week so I decided that Friday nights would now be movie and popcorn night.  Last Friday night (after Asher went to bed) we watched the new Tinkerbell movie.  It was so much fun to just sit and enjoy being with Lauren..and I look forward to many many years of mother-daughter movie night. 

Since Andy is so busy during football season..he makes sure that he gets to spend some quality time with Lauren.  Here are a few snapshots from this week.

Andy wrapped Lauren in my exercise mat....at least someone is using it.

Making cookies!

Asher is excited about the cookies!

Lauren loves spending time with daddy!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Love Dare

Our Sunday school class is reading "Love Dare" a 40 day challenge for husbands and wives to understand and practice unconditional love.  It was and is a little scary to read it..because I discovered that I have flaws.  No really.  So far and only after 3 days..it has really opened my eyes and already I can see that by changing me...our relationship is better.  I know some other couples were scared to read the book and do the daily dares as well.  Some of the reasons for my fear was letting go of  the belief that "I'm right..you're in the wrong" that lie that I had a grasp on.  Also, the fear of the dares.  Because by doing the dares you make yourself vulnerable or what I sometimes think of as weak.  Like the first day is "Love is Patient" and the scripture is:  Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. -Ephesians 4:2.  The dare seemed simple:  do not say anything negative to your spouse today.  Wow!  That is simple...I hardly say anthing negative to Andy....but I noticed that I rarely said anything positive either. 

Instead of posting pictures of me and Andy which would probably be more appropriate for this blog..I will post more pics of the kids...these were taken today.

 This is what happens when you are not very clear in your direction.  "Lauren, hold up your craft for the camera."

Asher trying to figure out how the swing works.

Lauren doing a new dance move.

crazy day

You know that it has been a crazy day when by lunch you are at the hospital and by evening you are at an event called Pudding Olympics. 

I thought that Lauren might have dislocated her elbow yesterday.  Not from a fall, but from a pull.  We were outside enjoying the beautiful day.  I was holding Asher and trying to help Lauren up by grabbing one of her hands.  As I pulled her up she lost her balance and her arm did a slight twist. She rolled on the ground holding her elbow.  The next few minutes were what I like to call "mommy blur"  when too many thoughts and worries enter your mind at once.  I called Andy once..no answer...I called the church..no answer.  I called my parents (because parents know everything)...no answer.  Her elbow looked normal..so I knew that was a positive...but she refused to move it. She was screaming and crying..Asher was crying.   I kept calling Andy but found out later that he had left his phone in the car.  I called Ms. Tammy from church to seek medical advise and she said that if she couldn't move it...then go to the hospital clinic.  By the time I got to the hospital..Lauren had stopped crying and was moving her arm.  When I got Asher into his stroller..Lauren was telling me jokes.  Then my "mommy blur" cleared...and I began having these thoughts.."if she seems ok..do I really want to take 2 small kids in the hospital by myself and have them wait for who knows how long..when they could be at home taking their naps?...but on the otherhand what if something is wrong?'  So I called Ms. Tammy again and she said that if Lauren was not in pain and she could straighten her arm..then she probably had not dislocated it...but had pulled something.   So instead of  going  into the hospital, we went to Wendys for Frostys instead. 

I am posting pics from last night so that you can see that Lauren is ok.  Notice the flip flops she is wearing in one of the pictures...yep those are mine.  She is going to have her daddy's feet.  Also please know that it is common for my kids to be half dressed.

Last night Andy and PVBC hosted the "Pudding Olympics"  Here are a few pictures that capture a glimpse of the fun and the mess!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Just a swinging

For several months I have been looking for a swing set for the kids.  I have looked online, looked at stores and looked in our neighborhood to see the different kinds available..and after months of looking I found the perfect one.  The free one.  Miss Nikki and her daughter generously gave us this swing set and tonight was the first nice night to try it out.  As you can see the kids loved it!